When it comes down to an easy way to upload your pictures to a face book account you probably know that this used to be some sort of difficult. The upload opportunities on facebook are working pretty well as long as you have your picture in the right size and in a common format.
But you don´t need to care about this any longer. From www.obviousidea.com there now the “Easy Photo Uploader” is available. This little tool helps you to upload al your images (even if they are NEF) to your Facebook account.
All you need to do is open the Software, select your images and press “next”. The uploader starts working. In the next step it shows you existing albums where you can upload your pictures too. Of course you also can create a new one. Final step is the third next. As a result all you pictures now are in the folder you want them to. Of course also an information on the wall about your recently uploaded is posted (based on the setting).
This is the link to the software.
But of course you also can see the product in action. Here is the link to a great youtube video.
Today it seems that Facebook is the social media everybody should have. But also having a Blog and a Twitteraccount seems to be necessary. Unfortunately it takes a lot of time to keep all of them updated. From my point of view it is not necessary to update all three sites. For your Twitter site anyway you only have 160 characters available. For a blog entry this is not enough. Same belongs to the blog. It is not possible to post long blog entries to your Twitter account. So at the end it seems that Facebook is the match which combines both. The opportunity to run short status messages as well as long blog entries. So the best solution would be to have your Twitter and your Blog getting together at Facebook. For Twitter it is very Easy. Just take the Faceboobk app Twitter and all your tweets will be published on Facebook as well. Also pictures will be submitted. For the blog it seems to be more difficult.
But that´s not true. Today I found a solution that works very well. It is called WPBook. With WPBook you can publish your blog entries to Facebook automatically. All you need to do is installing the Plugin to your WordPressblog. Afterwards you need to create a new Facebook application. No worries. Everything is explained in a hands on installation guide.
So if you where searching for such an opportunity please feel free to test WPBook. I can recommend it.
Things I´m interested in to write about.